Chief 441
“Chief 441” is a 2022 Chevy Silverado that is equipped with BLS Equipment, Oxygen and an AED.
2020 F450 – Horton
“This ambulance is a 2020 McCoy/Miller ambulance on a Ford 450 4×4 chassis. Our medics are equipped with Physio-Control LifePak 15 cardiac monitors that have the ability to transmit EKG’s from the field to the Emergency Room and the Cardiologist. Equipment on our trucks includes Doppler stethoscopes, EZ IO drills, Broselow Pediatric kits, King Vision video laryngoscopes, Stryker Power Cot and the Lucas 2 Chest Compression device.
** The Lucas 2 CPR devices and the Physio-Control LifePak 15 cardiac monitors were purchased with funds from local philanthropic organizations. **
2015 F550 – Braun

“Our newest ambulance is a 2015 Braun F-550 4×4 purchased through Penn Care Ambulance (manufactured in Van Wert Ohio). This truck is equipped with a state of the art power cot system that will load up to a 700 pound patient with the push of a button. All other equipment, including the Lucas 2 CPR device is the same as the other truck. Both trucks are set up very similar which allows our members to transition from 1 truck to the other without any real challenges. Some other options included on this truck include all LED emergency lighting, LED scene lighting & a side door that slides open instead of swinging open into traffic.
** The Lucas 2 CPR devices and the Physio-Control LifePak 15 cardiac monitors were purchased with funds from local philanthropic organizations. **
UTV 441

“UTV 441” is an ATV equipped with BLS equipment and an AED. The insert that was installed to carry staff and the patient manufactured by a local fabricator allowing us to use it for off road transports and also for special events that we provide coverage for. Some of the events we use the gator at include the 4th of July fireworks, multiple community running events, the Fredericktown Tomato Show, Fredericktown football games, Fredericktown Cross Country Invitational and many more. Funds for this unit came from donations, no taxpayers funds were used for the purchase of this unit.
Emergency Assistance Trailer
The “Emergency Assistance Trailer” was set up and purchased with funding from several local philanthropic groups. The trailer has 40 cots, blankets, pillows, hygiene care kits and many other items that allow us to work hand and hand with the Red Cross in Knox County when setting up a shelter in our community. The trailer has been used twice since we have set it up. Along with purchasing the trailer, funding was used to create an “electrical connection” at the Presbyterian Church in Fredericktown allowing the Fredericktown Community Fire District to utilize their portable generator to power the shelter.